Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Positive Insight

Someone said that the day one stops dreaming that is the day that person dies. We have to continue dreaming and working towards those dreams and definitely they will come to pass. No matter what happen we should remain focused and true to our dreams and aspirations. We can only be what we have thought or imagined, and that’s why they say, “you are what you think”. For sure we cannot go beyond our thinking and imaginations. Things may not be the way I want them to be today but I have hope that tomorrow they will be better. The way we look at life matters; do we a glass as half empty or half full? Do we look at life from the positive or view point? Do we think or talk about life positively or negatively? The side of the coin on which one is matters a lot. Definitely we have to strive to be on the positive side and not the negative. We should train our mind to think and talk about the things we want and not the things we don’t want and by that we attract the positive things we talk and think about. If we talk and think about negative things, we attract the same in our lives. The bible says that whatever things are true, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report…. think about such.


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