Wednesday, February 15, 2006

My Self-Aggravation

Have you ever had that time where you just want to cry ‘coz nothing you do seem to make any difference towards achieving the bar you had set up for yourself? Isn’t so frustrating knowing that you can do better but for some reason you are not performing to your potential? Well I have that kind of day today. I just want to break down and cry due to frustration. I am deeply disappointment to myself for not being able to do anything right. Well at least it feels like it. I feel like nothing I did and will do will improve my life. I had visions in my head that at this certain day I would have achieved this and that… and we are not talking about extravagant things here, we are talking about simple minor things that a act of self-discipline alone could do.
I am really frustrated………exhausted for nothing and frustrated to everything.
Did I set the bar too high or I just don’t have the discipline to achieve it or it is really meant for things to work this way? I feel like I have been working hard and yet nothing is improving. Wahhh……..I am just having a bad day… thank goodness it is almost over.


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