Friday, February 17, 2006

You & I Living in Different World

It is possible for two people coming from different world to merge and live a life together? Well I would like to believe so, though at some people would insist it would be a nightmare living in such. Is it really? It could be challenging yet it is not impossible as long as two people wish to be together.

When you have many encounters with someone where he/she unintentionally talks about how he/she belongs to the elite world, the world of intelligent, dreamer, sophisticated, beau monde, rich and well-desired by their kinsmen, people beyond reach, and keep saying he/she wants to be with this and that person it makes you wonder if that person is thinking of you. It makes you wonder if he/she thinks about how insensitive that is knowing you two had more than friendship, knowing you feel deeply for him/her. Is that a implication of him/her not wanting you in his/her future world? Or that just you being extremely sensetive on someone's part?

I consider myself versatile yet who knows it is probably just me hallucinating ‘coz I want to believe there will be us.


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